Learning from Reviews & Audits

WSCP undertakes reviews concerning serious incidents involving children, multi-agency audits, and provides briefings on specific safeguarding issues.

This activity generates learning to improve safeguarding systems and practice in Wakefield for those who work or volunteer with children and families.

WSCP has a Learning & Improvement Framework (LIF) in place which illustrates how the partnership's quality assurance and review activity generates learning which is delivered to those who work or volunteer with children and families. To view the WSCP LIF please click below:

View the WSCP Learning & Improvement Framework
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Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR)

  • CSPR of ''David'' (Published Sep 2021)
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    ”David’ was a seven-week old baby at the time of his sudden death in January 2020.

    The learning identified from this review included:

    – Awareness of reducing Sudden Infant Death in Infants (SUDI) and overlaying risk

    – Multi-agency working together

    – Presentations of neglect

    – Seeing the world of the child through their eyes

    – Service assessment, planning and intervention

    The CSPR Overview Report and Executive Summary can be accessed below:

    CSPR ”David” Overview Report

    ”David” Executive Summary

  • CSPR of ''Jason'' (Published May 2021)
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    ”Jason” was a three month old baby at the time of his sudden death in October 2019.

    The learning identified from this review included:

    – Awareness of reducing Sudden Infant Death in Infants (SUDI) and overlaying risk

    – Multi-agency working together

    – Presentations of neglect

    – Seeing the world of the child through their eyes

    – Service assessment, planning and intervention

    The CSPR Overview Report can be accessed below:

    CSPR ”Jason” Overview Report

Child Safeguarding Masterclasses

  • Perplexing Presentations (PP) & Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII) (February 2023)
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    The masterclass covered:

    – An in-depth review of PP/FII procedures

    – Guidance around the importance of chronology recording

    – PP/FII and the impact on the child

    – A case study of a recent Police investigation into FII

    To view the masterclasses click below:

    Part One: PP / FII

    Part Two: PP / FII

  • Partnership Briefing & NWG keynote on: Transitional Safeguarding Adolescence to Adulthood (SGW June 2022)
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    This 2hr event discusses some national work on Transitions that have been successful and how this translates in Wakefield, signposting to NGW resources & the work they do. Delivered by Partnership Manager Jonathan Giordano and Steve Baguley from NWG.

    Click here to access the YouTube recording

  • Children Vulnerable to Exploitation (March 2022)
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    The masterclass covered:

    – Assessing the Harms of Technology Assisted Child Sexual Abuse

    – An Introduction to the CVE Team

    – CVE: A Parent’s Perspective

    – Learning from recent audit activity concerning Children Vulnerable to Exploitation

    To view the masterclasses click below:

    Part One: Children Vulnerable to Exploitation

    Part Two: Children Vulnerable to Exploitation

  • Safeguarding Babies and Infants (September 2021)
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    The masterclass covered:

    – Local Responses to Safeguarding Young Babies and Infants in Wakefield

    – Why We Need to Prioritise Infant Mental Health 

    – Parental Mental Ill Health, Impact on Young Babies and Infants 

    – Learning from recent Reviews and Audit Activity Concerning Babies and Infants 

    To view the masterclass, click below:

    Part One: Safeguarding Babies & Infants Masterclass

    Part Two: Safeguarding Babies & Infants Masterclass

7 Point Briefings

  • Children and Families in Need Multi-Agency Audit (Published May 2023)
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    As part of ongoing Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) preparations in Wakefield, the Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) undertook a deep dive multi-agency audit on the current JTAI theme of Children and Families in Need of Help to examine the effectiveness of the district’s Early Help arrangements.

    To view the summary of the audit findings, access the 7 Point Briefing below:

    Families and Children in Need 7 Point Briefing

  • Harmful Sexual Behaviour Multi-Agency Audit (Published October 2022)
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    WSCP carried out a deep dive multi-agency audit to provide the partnership with assurance of the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements in cases where children have displayed Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB). The audit considered five cases involving children in Wakefield.

    To view the summary of the audit findings, access the 7 Point Briefing below:

    Harmful Sexual Behaviour 7 Point Briefing

  • Child Exploitation Multi-Agency Audit (Published March 2022)
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    WSCP carried out a deep dive multi-agency audit into how agencies safeguard children who are vulnerable or are being subjected to Child Exploitation.

    To view a summary of the audit findings, access the 7 Point Briefing below:

    Child Exploitation 7 Point Briefing

  • Private Fostering Multi-Agency Audit (Published September 2021)
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    WSCP carried out a deep dive multi-agency audit into how agencies safeguard children subject to a Private Fostering (PF) Arrangement. The audit considered seven children who were subject to an arrangement.

    To view a summary of the audit findings, access the 7 Point Briefing below:

    Private Fostering 7 Point Briefing

  • Safeguarding Young Babies Multi-Agency Audit (Published August 2021)
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    WSCP carried out a deep dive multi-agency audit into how agencies identified and responded to young babies at risk of harm in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The audit considered eight cases of families who were subject to a Child Protection Plan within the past 18 months and had a new born baby within the last 6 months.

    To view a summary of the audit findings, access the 7 Point Briefing below:

    Safeguarding Young Babies 7 Point Briefing

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