Future in Mind workforce development training (CAMHS)
An Introduction to Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Available dates, times and location:
Tuesday 14th January 2025 – 10:00am – 12:30pm – Small Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
Tuesday 28th April 2025, 10:00am – 12:00om – Online via Ms Teams
The session will:
- Explore what mental health is and how it impacts on children and young people that we work with.
- Think about different ways that you and other people can support children and young people with their emotional wellbeing.
- Be able to recognise early indicators of mental health issues in children and young people.
- Gain more insight into CAMHS and when to access support from different aspects of the service.
- Think about the impact that Coronavirus may have had on an individual’s mental health
Understanding and working with Anxiety in Children and Young People
Available dates, times and location:
Thursday 13th February 2025, 10:00am – 12:00pm – Online via MS Teams
Tuesday 13th May 2025 – 1:00am – 12:30pm – Small Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
The session will:
- Explore what anxiety is and how it impacts on the children and young people that we work with.
- Think about different ways that you and other people can support children and young people with anxiety.
- Explore strategies to support children and young people with anxiety during the current Coronavirus pandemic
An Introduction to…Depression and Low Mood in Children and Young People
Available dates, times and location:
Tuesday 28th January 2025, 10:00am – 12:00pm – Online via Ms Teams
Thursday 8th May 2025, 13:00pm – 15:00pm – Online via Ms Teams
The session will:
- Explore what mental health is and how it impacts on children and young people that we work with.
- Identify signs and symptoms of children and young people who are experiencing low mood or depression.
- Develop strategies for working with children and young people with low mood or depression
Supporting Children and Young People who have experienced Bereavement or Loss
Available dates, times and location:
Thursday 27th February 2025, 10:00am – 12:00pm – Online via Ms Teams
Thursday 22nd May 2025, 13:00pm – 15:00pm – Online via Ms Teams
The session will:
- Develop our understanding of the impact that loss and change has on those affected.
- Recognise physical and emotional signs of distress when children are experiencing change and loss in their lives.
- Learn strategies and activities that can help children to manage change and loss.
- Think about how to respond when someone has experienced a bereavement during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Impact of Sleep on Emotional Wellbeing
Available dates, times and location:
Thursday 13th March 2025, 13:00pm – 15:30pm – Small Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
Thursday 12th June 2025, 10:00am – 12:00pm – Small Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
The session will:
- Explore the importance of sleep and develop an understanding of how the body clock works.
- Develop an understanding of the links between sleep, resilience and mental health.
- Develop an understanding of the strategies to optimise the chances of getting a good night’s sleep.
- Explore resources available to use with children, young people and their families in everyday practice.
- Think about links between Coronavirus pandemic and sleep difficulties in children.
An Introduction to…Attachment in Children and Young People
Available dates, times and location:
Tuesday 25th March 2025, 13:00pm – 15:30pm – Large Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
Tuesday 17th June 2025, 13:00pm – 15:30pm – Large Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
The session will:
- Explore and think about the key messages of attachment theory.
- Consider different attachment styles and identify associated trauma presentations.
- Explore strategies we can use when working with children affected by attachment difficulties.
An Introduction to Self Harm
Available dates, times and location:
Friday 8th November 2024, 10:00am – 12:30pm – Large Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
Tuesday 1st April 2025, 10:00am – 12:00pm – Online via MS Teams
Thursday 26th June 2025, 10:00am – 12:00pm – Online via MS Teams
The session will:
- Develop an understanding of self-harm and why it might happen.
- Consider the difference between helpful and unhelpful attitudes towards self-harm.
- Consider strategies that we can use to support children and young people who are at risk of self-harming.
- Develop confidence when approaching the issue of self-harm.
An Introduction to Suicide Awareness & Prevention
Available dates, times and location:
Tuesday 19th November 2024, 10:00am – 12:00pm 0 Online via MS Teams
Thursday 3rd April 2025, 13:00pm – 15:00pm – Online via Ms Teams
Tuesday 1st July 2025, 10:00am – 12:00pm – Online via MS Teams
The session will:
- Consider our thoughts and attitudes about suicide.
- Think about and recognise the signs that someone is struggling with their mental health and considering suicide.
- Learn how to support young people where suicide may be a presenting issue.
- Learn where to access further support and next steps.
Full Day Sleep Workshop for Professionals working with Children, Young People & Families
Available dates, times and location:
Friday 31st January 2025, 09:30am – 16:30pm – Small Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
The session will:
- Develop an understanding of the importance of sleep and the strategies to promote good sleep
- Think about children and young people with additional needs and how we can adapt strategies to meet these needs
- Learn about sleep medication
- Develop an understanding of teen sleep
- Learn about ways to motivate and support families in improving sleep practices
- Explore resources available to use with children, young people and families to optimise their chances of a good night’s sleep
Introduction to Eating Difficulties in Children & Young People
Available dates, times and location:
Thursday 20th March 2025, 13:00pm – 15:30pm – Large Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
Thursday 3rd July 2025, 13:00pm – 15:30pm – Large Conference Room, Fieldhead Hospital
The session will:
- Develop an understanding of avoidance and disordered eating
- Become familiar with the term ARFID
- Recognise early signs and symptoms of ARFID
- Think about different ways that you and other people can support children and young people with ARFID, and their families
- Understand next step and when to refer
These sessions will be hosted on Microsoft Teams, at the Wellbeing & Learning Centre in Fieldhead Hospital or at White Rose House.
If you are interested any of these modules please download and complete the correct booking form and email to wakefieldcamhs.training@swyt.nhs.uk
Wakefield CAMHS will be in touch with you once your booking is received and 1 week before the training to ensure that you are still able to attend.
If you have any queries or issues with your booking, please email wakefieldcamhs.training@swyt.nhs.uk
Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership are committed with its obligations under the new EU GDPR Data Protection Act 2018 that came into force on the 25th May 2018 by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect your personal data.
We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary for a period of 3 years in order to offer upcoming courses, briefings and updates around safeguarding. We use your data to provide certificates once you have attended one of the sessions we provide, and to ensure that we have an appropriate sign in register with your name for fire safety purposes. After the 3 year period we will ensure that your data/information is destroyed in accordance under the new GDPR act.
The personal data that we collect about you are: your name, email, phone number and work address. If you require a copy of the data we hold for you, you can contact us by emailing wscpevents@wakefield.gov.uk.
Courses are free for the statutory, voluntary and community sector in Wakefield, however failure to attend without giving prior notice may result in a charge to cover costs. You may now be charged for undertaking our training if you are outside of Wakefield. Please see the Charging Policy for full details.